Second Loves 

Here at Tucks Treasure Trove, we want to give back to the community. Right now, with the costs of living rising, for many it is hard to afford some necessities for their pets. We don’t want someone compromising their dogs wellbeing or safety by buying inadequate products that may not last as long, resulting in more expenses. 

Or it may just simply be hard to justify the prices of buying new things too, especially if your dog likes to chew for example. You may even have a specific fabric in mind for special reasons which no one provides, except that shirt in the pile for the charity shop. This is where we are providing our Second Loves services.  

Read below for the different types we are offering; 

Our services.

Please fill in the form below for enquiries for any of the above services or should you require repairs for current items. Please note in the subject box which service you require.  

Replies may take 1-3 working days.  

Items from Project Reuse will be listed in a separate shop and will be available to buy instantly. 

Any items created through Project Recycle will be listed under Custom Orders in our standard shop, with customers having a unique code to process the free shipping. 

Left over fabrics from Project Recycle and all fabrics donated via Project Donate will be listed with photos and dimensions to be browsed through. Customers can then contact us with what they need and which fabric/s they would like. These will then be posted under Custom Orders in our standard shop.  

However, if we receive or are left with any materials that can only be used for specific products, they will be premade and placed in the separate shop and ready to ship i.e. collars.  

PLEASE NOTE: We will not be questioning anyone’s circumstances on purchasing products through our Second Loves services. It is not fair to judge or speculate. Our only wish is to provide safe, durable and quality products. And if it means doing that through kind fabric donations, which will also reduce wastage and help the environment, then so be it. 

We hope we have your support on this journey x  

To explore our Second Loves shop, click the link below. Filled with preloved items that have been outgrown and many others made from recycled or donated materials.